
Day 2 of 76

 So i've been pretty good today even though i couldn't sleep worth a shit last night my mind was racing like fat people trying to get to a free hot dog stand, i kept trying this thing were you repeat to yourself "sleep, sleep, go to sleep"
very calmly but it didn't work very well and i just ended up cusing myself out for not falling asleep. i have this thing i have to do over and over before i go to sleep and it's starting to happen where i just keep doing it more and more. i make a beat or song with my clicking and chomping my teeth together and then i repeat it about 7 times but if i fuck up i have to start over it's to the point now i have to tell myself to stop...is that bad :)
  I decided if i'm savvy enough to figure it out i'm gonna post a song of the day. I have my song picked out for today but before i spill the beans on what it is i'm gonna try to get it on here. I'm not sure my mood today, i'm supposed to keep a mood chart through out the day but damn i can't be pullin' out my different colored gel pens every hour to try to figure out what mood i'm in. uhh i'd look like a 14yr old with my lisa frank notebook and neon gel pens...not to mention by the time i figured out what mood i was in it would already be the next hour and i'd have to start all over. you think mood rings are pretty creditable, i mean that'd be a hella lot easier than making colored shapes for every time i "switch" moods and to put it on a scale of 1-5 really...I never quiet got the concept of the scale thing. i mean if i'm happy i'm happy if i'm pissed i'm pissed and usually if something hurts it hurts no matter what i don't need a smiley face chart with different mouths on it to point out my pain level in an E.R. and of course no matter what i'm always gonna say i'm a 7 even if there's no 7 that's what i'd be! is it rude to stare at a strangers chin hairs? there was this lady i saw at the gas station today and i wanted to tell her to pull out her scraggly chin hairs, maybe no one wants to tell her cause they're scared they'll hurt her feelings maybe she doesn't know they're there cause she has bad eyesight. Please stranger or no stranger tell me to pluck those fuckin things and don't worry Carol (mom) i know your eyes are bad so i will def let you know if you need a chin pluckin'. well i gotta run i gotta hurry up and take my boogie to get free hot dogs. jk there are no free hot dog stands..that i know of.
  Over and out good buddy- Absent mood Amy

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